Our Podcast & Editorial Content
Hear from our incredible resident artists and stellar guest artists on Deanna & Colton’s podcast, or scroll a little further to read the latest blogs about tattooing, piercing, and the industry.

Tattooing with a Mission: How Nipple Tattoos Bring Healing to Those Who Need Them

Q&A with Deanna James about Ink Master Experience
Eden owner Deanna is no stranger to a little competition! We recently sat down with her for a quick Q&A to hear about her most recent Ink Master return on Season 14.
How to Survive an All-Day Tattooing Session
All-day tattooing sessions can be long, but the end results are worth it! Here are tips from the Eden artists on how to survive an all-day session.

What You Need to Know for a Sleeve Tattoo
Sleeve tattoos are popular, but they’re not for the faint of heart! Here’s what to know if a sleeve is on your dream list.

Q&A with Eden Body Art Studios about Tattoo Conventions

All About Tattoos & Guest Spots: An Interview with Deanna James
Tattoo artists commonly do guest spots at other parlors, but why? Our owner Deanna James sat down to talk about her recent guest spot at INKED NYC.
All About Pre-Made Tattoo Designs
Pre-made tattoo designs are a perfect option for clients looking to let their favorite artist unleash their creativity.
What to Expect with Anatomy Checks and Piercings
From navels to nipples, certain piercing locations require a little extra care. Here’s what to expect with an anatomy check.
The Evolution of Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace
Acceptance of tattoos and piercings in the workplace is gradually improving. We’re excited to see how business leaders continue to show off their art.

Tattoo Aftercare 101: How to Take Care of Your Tattoos
Our Eden artists stress the importance of aftercare and protecting your tattoo as long as possible.
How a Designer Tattoo Works
Getting a designer tattoo can sometimes feel like a leap of faith, but the result is always worth the time, effort and commitment.
Get to Know Eden’s Newest Resident Artist, Michael Hovaguimian
After years in Los Angeles, Michael was ready for a change. He fell in love with Texas (and the art being put out at Eden) and is thrilled to be our newest artist.

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?
Not everyone wants a tattoo to stay forever! Our tattoo removal can help clients get rid of art they no longer love.

What to Expect With Your First Tattoo
We are here to help and guide you completely through the process. Here’s how to prepare for your first appointment at Eden.
5 Common Problems After Ear Piercing
Piercings are incredibly popular, but without the right care, these 5 problems can dampen the experience.

Meet Deanna
Eden Body Art Studios founder Deanna sits down to explain why she’s so passionate about being a tattoo artist and why her studio means so much to the Dallas area.

This is your mom’s tattoo studio: How Eden Body Art Studios is Elevating The Client Experience
Since its founding, Eden Body Art Studios set out to break the mold of standard tattoo studios and create a space unique for tattoo artists and clients alike.