A two-day hands-on seminar

Gian Karle is a world-traveling tattoo artist. He was Ink Master runner-up on season 8 and the all-star season 14. He frequently teaches private seminars and he was a presenter at the 2024 Eden Summer Symposium. Gian is renowned for his neotoraditional tattooo style, taking a unique approach to composition and color palettes, always with technical perfection.

Seminar Schedule

Day 1: Presentation, Design, and Tattoo Business

  • Check-in will begin at 10:00AM. A light breakfast and coffee will be provided. The seminar will begin promptly at 10:30AM.

  • Gian will give a lecture/presentation with visual aids outlining basic tattoo and art principles, as well as his tattoo techniques and how he goes about creating each custom tattoo. He will also discuss mindset and motivation.

  • The presentation will include videos of Gian’s tattoo techniques which the attendees will replicate the following day on fake skin.

  • Gian will draw over designs provided by students for the class to show what he would do differently.

  • Gian’s wife, Zaimee Esteves, will give a short presentation on tattoo business, including Gian’s booking process, client correspondence and retention, and tips for social media.

  • Q&A will be open all day to ask any questions you’d like for Gian to answer.

  • Lunch will be catered.

Day 2: Hands-on Fake Skin and Design

  • Doors will open at 10:00AM. A light breakfast and coffee will be provided.

  • Each student will work through a tattoo designed by Gian on pre-stenciled fake skin.

  • Throughout the day, Gian will walk around to each participant to give them live feedback to tattoo exactly how he does.

  • Gian will also have his own fake skin on the screen for the class to see to demonstrate specific tattoo techniques.

  • Lunch will be catered.

    What we’ll cover

    In this seminar, you’ll learn Gian’s entire tattoo and design process, including:

  • How he selects the tattoos/clients he takes on

  • How he does his consultations with clients

  • How he approaches his tattoo designs and drawings

  • How he chooses reference photos and draws from them

  • His ink and needle setup

  • How he applies and sizes his stencils

  • How he approaches multiple day sessions

  • His color palette and how he mixes colors

    He’ll also cover basic but essential artistic concepts that are critical to making the best tattoos in any style, including:

  • Design, composition, and flow

  • Utilizing contrast in your tattoos

  • Readability and longevity

    And anything else you want to learn. Gian will answer any and all questions you have.

    What’s Provided

  • A light breakfast and catered lunch each day (dietary restrictions will be accounted for)

  • Fake skin and references

  • A selection of slides from Gian’s presentation

  • Everything you need to tattoo, except your machine/power supply.

Who This Seminar is Appropriate For

While Gian will be discussing his neotraditional tattoo techniques, any tattoo artist can benefit from this seminar. Many of Gian’s techniques and methods are transferrable to any style.

This seminar is for professional tattoo artists and apprentices only. You must be experienced using a tattoo machine.


The cost of the seminar is $1,500. Payment is required in full to reserve a spot, and it is nonrefundable.

To preserve the quality of instruction and to give each of you as much time with Gian as possible, this seminar is open to a limited number of students. It is first-come, first-serve, so don’t wait.

By enrolling in the seminar, you agree to these terms.

Click the link below to enroll.